Development and Implementation of Out-Patient Rehab Services
Many skilled nursing facilities could be dual-certified to treat both inpatient skilled admission, along with the authorization to accept outpatient admissions. This creates a more diverse marketing and admission platform and expands the potential of all your rehab units. It also allows greater continuity of care for your patients, by allowing them to come back to your facility after being released from skilled rehab, as opposed to referring them to home-health providers. Turning-Point has the expertise to assist will all aspects of developing these strategies from analyzation, licensing, marketing and scheduling.

Clinical Specialty Programs
Turing-Point will also help analyze the current market in each facility's regional area and work together with your team to isolate specific advantages and assist with developing special programs that are tailored to highlight each facility's key features. For example, we might suggest niche programs that could include specialties such as cardiac rehab, wound care, fall prevention, and lymphedema.

Licensing and Regulation
Turning-Point will also assist with acquisitions of Medicare licensing issues and help walk our clients through the steps of acquiring new Medicare and Medicaid licenses.